Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine CCE Issue 210 | Page 25

Digitalisation comprehensive repositories of procedures and best practices , and make them available in short , mobile-first formats . Over time , they enable effective knowledge transfers while reducing the risk of human errors .
Ensuring materials readiness at the site
Another important strategy is to identify situations that lead to wasted productivity and empower workers through digital technologies – a combination of RFID , Barcodes , QR-Codes , and GPS - that help them maximise the effective availability of materials at the construction site .
Digitising and optimising materials management predicts materials status and translates into tens of thousands of hours saved . Throughout a project , this can result in a 1.5 per cent reduction in direct labour hours and a 90 per cent reduction in indirect labour and searching times . It also virtually eliminates the need for materials reprocurement , all while shaving off precious weeks from project schedules . In the context of 2023 , delivering projects on time while achieving cost savings will be essential to thrive in a turbulent and uncertain climate . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Bert Verplancke hexagon . com
Bert Verplancke is EAM Sales Director of Northern Europe at Hexagon . Hexagon is a global leader in digital reality solutions , combining sensor , software and autonomous technologies . It puts data to work to boost efficiency , productivity , quality and safety across industrial , manufacturing , infrastructure , public sector , and mobility applications .
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