Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine Issue 214 - March 2024 | Page 59

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Phoenix
no doubt that Blue Phoenix ’ s journey has only just begun . As Paul concludes : “ This group has a long-standing future ahead of it , supported by multiple investments into other divisions that all complement one another . At the moment our business is made up of over 600 employees , and I would like to see that double in the next five years . It ’ s also really important that the company moves into new market areas , pioneered by new technology . One thing we are very clear about is that we want to offer more than one solution . Reaching zero-waste to landfill will require more than a one-size-fits-all approach , and we ’ re focused on moving this market forwards , effectively , so that we can make a real difference .” ■
www . bluephoenix-group . com
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