Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine Issue 215 - May 2024 | Page 163

________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concorde BGW
monthly and quarterly reviews , while for bigger accomplishments we make time to celebrate them at our end of year company awards .
“ Concorde has been my work home for 14 years , and every day is different . We have a wide range of projects ongoing at any one time , so there is never a fear of getting bored . At the moment , we have a really diverse variety of clients , all of which are looking for something unique to them . One project can be a £ 100 reactive maintenance job , the next it ’ s a £ 5 million pub refurbishment . It keeps the team really interested and engaged , and it ’ s different to a lot of other jobs , where things can be very monotonous .
“ The other asset we have is that when a challenge comes along , we face it as a team . I think that really speaks about our company culture . It ’ s easy to become disunited when facing adversity , but we always come together to solve the problem and complete the project . Every time . I think that is so important .”
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