____________________________________________________________________________________________ Cloud technology
success 2024
share data , and collaborate on projects . With an evident shift away from traditional labourintensive methods , construction companies are now prioritising cloud platforms to improve collaboration and efficiency . According to Gartner , more than 70 percent of enterprises are expected to use industry cloud platforms to accelerate their business initiatives by 2027 .
To drive the optimal value of their technology investments , construction companies must select the latest cloud solutions that can deliver maximum return on investment ( ROI ), providing benefits such as enhanced scalability , bolstered security , and improved accessibility . For instance , cloud workplaces can be used to quickly and efficiently provide crucial software for tasks ranging from tendering and awarding contracts to Building Information Modelling ( BIM ) and making it centrally accessible . By enabling real-time collaboration among stakeholders , improving document management , and enhancing communication channels between teams ; cloud services can reduce project timelines , and operational costs while improving overall efficiency .
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