CIPP which , given the huge range of providers and software available , can seem daunting for businesses looking for solutions without in-house expertise . “ We deal with all the providers in the UK at certain levels and can help clients through the process to find exactly the solution they need . That might not be the huge name with the masses of functionality , it might be something much more specific that provides just certain elements , like being on the HMRC approved list .
“ Knowing we ’ re a neutral , trusted advisor , gives clients confidence in the information they are getting ,” Jason reassures . “ Having an independent view means we don ’ t have an agenda or solution to promote – we genuinely want the best decision that ensures correct , accurate delivery of payroll .
We can also take some of the emotion out of these decisions , by looking purely at what is best for the business and how we structure it for development in the future .”
While payroll may still be the unsung hero of the business world , it plays a critical role in the success of today ’ s commercial environment . As Jason concludes , with the CIPP on hand to advise , educate and assist , now is the time to ensure this indispensable department gets the attention and investment it deserves . ■
If you would like to discuss PAS with the CIPP , become a member , or have any other queries about payroll education or compliance , visit
www . cipp . org . uk
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