Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine Issue 217 - Sept 2024 | Page 48

How serious is road runoff pollution ?
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , carcinogens , heavy metals : these are just a few examples of the chemicals and debris that gather on road surfaces and are pushed through outfalls into waterways when it rains .
This toxic cocktail wreaks havoc on ecosystems . In the short term , the acute symptoms of a severe first flush of chemicals can result in the death of wildlife .
Creatures that survive this first exposure suffer in the long-term . The chronic impact of road runoff is more insidious ; it mutates wildlife , altering behaviours and causing reproductive issues .
Though less documented than its impact on surface water , road runoff ’ s effect on groundwater is also severe ; winter road maintenance substances , like de-icing salts , have been found to increase the salinity of groundwater . We know even less about road runoff ’ s effect on humans .