Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine Issue 217 - Sept 2024 | Page 50

will soon be allocated – Schedule 3 is an environment ’ s impact on the natural water important step forward in making SuDS an cycle . These systems manage surface water essential part of any design process . runoff to reduce the risk of flooding and Communication and collaboration will pollution , mimicking natural drainage as be key to addressing all challenges we face closely to the source as possible . With water in solving SuDS , and , indeed , implementing quality a core design principle , SuDS must the solutions themselves . incorporate effective pollution mitigation . Building understanding largely comes While nature-based solutions often down to effective communication . While come to mind first , in practice , SuDS are we already have solutions to address usually a balance of both natural and road runoff pollution , awareness of these engineered components . Engineered SuDS , solutions and their proper implementation such as filtration systems and soakaway remains limited . Even when an outfall is tanks , support the function of nature-based identified as a priority for intervention and solutions , such as swales and ponds , and SuDS are installed , they can be ineffective are generally easier to monitor , install , and if critical considerations , such as treatment maintain at a lower cost . Combining these flow rates , are not properly understood approaches ensures a robust defence during the design phase . against pollution .
SuDS : nature-based and hard engineered solutions
SuDS provide a practical solution to pollution by minimising the built
Early supply chain involvement and innovation
We have solutions to road runoff pollution . That doesn ’ t mean we can ’ t improve on them .
▲ Road runoff roundtable - Keyline Civils Specialists