Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine CCE Issue 210 | Page 17

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Main interview
construction is a pressing challenge for the industry – and retaining it is even harder . The perception of construction is still fairly antiquated , but by adapting values and creating a culture where individuals can flourish , companies can positively impact such perceptions .
“ To use a sports analogy , I think of the skills shortages as the bench strength of your team . If you don ’ t invest in people , you ’ ll quickly find that your older players will leave the pitch and you won ’ t have anybody on the bench
“ Beyond eliminating manual tasks , technology is shifting the way in which projects are delivered ,” he adds . “ The approach has changed from an adversarial culture where there has to be a winner and a loser in every relationship , to one of collaboration . Collaborating early , managing risk , and celebrating project wins together is very much on the agenda ; it ’ s not about who gets the biggest slice of the pie , but about how we make a bigger pie by working together .
We ’ re passionate about education and raising awareness of the potential career options within the construction industry
ready to play . In other words , companies need to invest in their people through career progression and development schemes , preparing a younger generation to enter the workforce as seasoned employees leave .”
As our conversation draws to a close , Andy reflects on the construction industry at large : “ One of the biggest changes I ’ ve witnessed is seeing how technology has encouraged flexible ways of working . It has been quite the game changer for us , as construction companies are finally becoming more digitally focused . At Esh Group , we ’ ve invested several million pounds in digital transformation over the last five years alone .
“ As I ’ ve alluded to , the construction industry goes through cycles . There ’ s always a storm ahead and you just have to work out the best way to protect the business against those storms .
“ But one of the most important things for me is legacy ,” Andy concludes . “ Business isn ’ t just about profits and winning contracts , but about the lasting impact of your actions . Brian left huge boots for me to fill and I ’ m hopeful that I ’ m continuing his legacy by focusing on prosperity , employment , and the local community .” ■ ccemagazine . com 17