Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine CCE Issue 210 | Page 18



& construction

Are we building for the future ? Asks Dr Graeme Larsen , University College of Estate Management

The term sustainability normally equates to reducing carbon emissions or energy waste . However , these are not the only goals to consider and don ’ t paint a true picture of the sustainability discourse . You will have to think about your suppliers , partners , public sector bodies , the general public and broader society and ecosystems . Getting the right balance is hard .

The challenge for the built environment sector around reducing energy consumption is tougher than ever . According to the United Nations Environment Programme 2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction , energy demand from buildings went up by around four per cent , while CO2 emissions reached the highest levels on record , five per cent up based upon the figures for 2020 .
At the same time , sustainability initiatives currently consider the financial , social and environmental impact that projects have . We need to ensure that all our buildings are environmentally sound structures , based on resource-efficient processes , that deliver what people need and want .
With so many different stakeholders involved around sustainability , competing agendas and contested concepts and approaches , it can be hard to see where you can actively make a difference given there is no set of best practices that can be applied .
However , within these challenges , there are tremendous opportunities , both for your personal development and for improving the competitiveness of your company . Developing your sustainability approach must take place as part of each project . It involves understanding your priorities in context and then making the best possible decision to deliver what is needed . When there is no set path to follow , it can seem scary . By learning the right skills and how to apply them , you have the freedom and the opportunity to make a real difference .