site features a complex mix of laboratory and office buildings combined with radiological , biological and conventional contamination , along with significant ecological challenges . “ Given our teams ’ diverse knowledge and experience ,” shares Rob , “ we can offer the client a turnkey service , covering all aspects of ecology and mitigation required to deal with sensitive species present on site . The scope of work includes demolition , asbestos removal , remediation , waste handling , biological and radiological hazard remediation , environmental monitoring , project management , regulatory approvals and liaison , and local stakeholder engagement .”
Carbon-neutral champion
Cognition prides itself on being an environmentally friendly and conscious company with a deep focus on the sustainability of its work . “ Sustainability and a zero-carbon approach are at the heart of our business governance . As a certified carbon neutral company , we constantly look for innovative ways to reduce our environmental impact and increase the sustainability of our practices across all projects .” In 2020 , Cognition adopted a zero-carbon policy with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by the end of 2021 . “ By May 2021 , we were able to announce that we had already achieved that goal some eight months early to become the first carbon-neutral contamination remediation and ground engineering contractor in the UK ,” Rob asserts . “ We have maintained our carbon-neutral status to this day by recognising that the greatest contribution we can make to reducing our carbon emissions is through the work we do for our clients .”
A recent example that attests to this commitment can be seen in a project completed on behalf of Enfield Council and Taylor Woodrow . The aim was to remove over 10,828 cubic metres of fly tipped and historic illegally dumped waste from the Edmonton Marshes area of Enfield . By adopting specific selection and segregation methods , Cognition was able to divert over 81 per cent of the waste from landfill , further protecting the environment through the recovery , reuse and recycling of the constituent elements . “ We always look to offer value engineering to our clients ,” Rob elaborates , “ which not only helps with budgets but also provides huge advantages to the sustainability requirements